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Look your best on Valentine's Day  

Update : 2017-01-28 00:29:08
Look your best on Valentine's Day

With Valentine's Day approaching on February 14, you can see the following simple tips such as to eliminate stress from your daily routine, and drinking water, says an expert.

Farah Arfeen, metabolic balance coach and nutritionist, a rehabilitation center for Ortho and Physiotherapy 'AktivOrtho, has a few tips:

* Good nutrition: It is important to include good quality protein in our daily food intake. You must have a high biological value milk protein such as beans in yogurt, eggs, meat, chicken, fish and meat protein to meet the needs of our body.

* Exercise: Exercise ainadoraphina (hormone that helps), and after that you feel good, reduce the level of stress. Help decrease when you are under stress, that is natural, stress reduction and ainadoraphina hormone cortisol and other skin problems.

Exercise like the plank is one of the best exercises for core conditioning. These include regular routine like toned stomach, lower back pain, give you flexibility, balance and posture improvement.

Side crunches belly to remove body fat and give you a new structure in two weeks. You definitely feel a change in my belly fat and more muscular, and your body will feel energetic. It is a good exercise, you can help to get in good shape as well as lose fat.

Running or jogging helps prevent hypertension or heart disease, improve the immune system strong, stable, mentally healthy blood sugar levels.

* Eliminate stress: stress may be a key reason for the blood pressure in the form of contributions, tension headaches, stomach and poor posture for poor health.

Exercise and spend time in meditation or breathing exercise, try to keep it up. Exercise helps you to continue with oxytocin and sairotoinana love both the hormone needed for your Valentine's Day. .

* Transfer of water nutrients, remove toxins, help the situation, there are many benefits to be alkaline. Keep skin hydrated and plump and wrinkled will appear this is the most important part of the nutrition.

* The system operated as important to good sleep, too, when the body release serotonin sound sleep. This mood swing, depression, anxiety is reduced and increased feelings of pleasure and happiness. If you are healthy and happy inside, it will show on your skin.

* Fat: a diet that is rich in essential fatty acids, also known as the healthy fat, is important, as our body needs, and can not reproduce on their own . You can only get to the food source.

Include in your daily diet routine. Take one or two times a week serving of oily fish (salmon, like mackerel, tuna, oyster) in your food. Flaxseed nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds are omega-3 fatty acid pack sprinkle or munch on your salad.

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