| Dhaka, Monday, 20 May 2024

Imagine kickboxing or doing yoga in water

Update : 2015-08-06 14:07:59
Imagine kickboxing or doing yoga in water

Imagine kickboxing or doing yoga in water! Try out a few aqua workouts to stay fit and have some fun. Capital-based fitness expert Kiran Sawhney shares a list of some of the aqua workouts that you can do: Aqua kickboxing: It involves kicks, jabs, punches and more. Kickboxing itself is a very high energy workout and when done in water, it becomes a mammoth of a workout. It uses all major muscles and burns lots of calories.

: Pilates focuses on core. The same workout done in water is exceptional for the core, strengthening the back and toning the abs. You can do side lying crunches and stretches in water. Sometimes you can hold the side railing or wall of the pool.

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