| Dhaka, Monday, 20 May 2024

Dr. Yunus...................Three Zero Theory

Update : 2015-05-28 12:55:55
Dr. Yunus...................Three Zero Theory

Grameen Bank founder and Nobel Laureate Professor Dr . Muhammad Yunus says , " the world to secure our " three- zero theory " should be implemented . So to make the world safe for three to zero . '

Bangabandhu International Conference Centre on Thursday morning, the Social Business Day , " he said on the occasion of the inaugural ceremony.

Dr . Muhammad Yunus said, when the world to secure our poverty , unemployment and bring down carbon emissions to zero quota . When these three things are implemented, the world will be safe . The next generation will be able to build a beautiful world.

Yunus also said , " 50 percent of the total assets in the hands of just 85 people . The rest of the population owns 50 percent of assets . To ensure balanced distribution of the resources we need to create more entrepreneurs .

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