| Dhaka, Sunday, 02 June 2024

More than 7,000 Bangladeshis go to Europe illegally 

Update : 2015-09-13 10:00:18
More than 7,000 Bangladeshis go to Europe illegally 

A good number of Bangladeshis were among the refugees entering Europe in recent months. At least 7000 Bangladeshis reached European countries from January to August this year. Most of them arrived in Italy from Libya through the Mediterranean Sea.

An official of Frontex, an organisation that promotes, coordinates and develops European border management in EU countries, informedProthom Aloof the statistics.

In an email, the organisation’s public relations officer PaulinaBakula toldProthom Alothat 6,085 Bangladeshis have entered European counties from January to July. Details of August were yet to be obtained.

Off the Bangladeshi migrants, 3,876 have entered Europe through Central Mediterranean route, 1,767 through Western Balkan route, 429 through Easter Mediterranean route, and some others through Easter and Western Balkan routes, showed statistics of Frontex.

Central Mediterranean route, the route from Northern African countries to Italy or Malta through Mediterranean Sea, witnessed the most
migratory flow coming from Northern Africa. Here, Libya often acts as nexus point where migrants from the Horn of Africa and Western African routes meet before embarking on their journey towards the EU.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, at least 3,500 people have died while migrating to Europe by this see route. This year witnessed an unprecedented surge of migration as at least 1, 21,000 people reached Italy by crossing the Mediterranean Sea. Bangladesh ranked seventh among countries whose nationals have entered by this sea route.

At least 24 Bangladeshis were among 118 people who died in the Libya boat capsize while crossing Mediterranean Sea for Europe on August 27.

An official of Bangladeshi foreign ministry toldProthom Alothat Frontex’s data was correct.

Ashique-E-Rubaiyat, labour attaché of Bangladesh Embassy in Italy, told Prothom Alo they have heard from different sources about illegal migration of Bangladeshis.

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